Welcome to the group blog for Tea Time Knitting; a bi-weekly gathering for tea and craftiness. Tea Time Knitting meets every second and fourth Saturday of the month, from 2-4PM.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Back from the Dead

Ok, so I've not been posting here - just like everyone else ;) - due to the much hyped and now over Lewis Carroll society open house we had here at the house. Which was a huge success. Yay! So, now that that is over, hopefully I can go back to adding little entries for the teatimes. And do some actual cooking.

Thanks to all who helped during the preceding 4 months (and even before) and for being patient about TTK during that time.

Oh yeah, and Claire had a baby during that time too. Go figure...Max has been a faithful attendee since conception :)

Our next teatime is not until June due to Memorial Day. Until then...

Oh, and here is Wendy's Mobius Basket she just finished.

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