Welcome to the group blog for Tea Time Knitting; a bi-weekly gathering for tea and craftiness. Tea Time Knitting meets every second and fourth Saturday of the month, from 2-4PM.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Priya-style Chai

Since there was some talk about tea-related posts last week, I thought I'd chai-me in (get it!?!) with my friend Priya's excellent recipe for black tea with milk and spices. This makes one serving in a mug, which is why it has become my after-work snack.

- Black tea teabags (I use Red Rose brand because there are little prizes in the box)
- Ground cardamom
- Splenda or sugar
- Milk
- White pepper (optional)

How I make it
Put some water on to boil. In your favorite mug, arrange the teabag, a pinch of cardamom, a pinch of white pepper, and half a packet of Splenda OR 1 teaspoon sugar. Once the water is boiling, pour it over everything, leaving about an inch of room at the top of the mug. Let the ingredients steep for 3-5 minutes, then haul out the teabag and throw it away, or save it if you are extremely cheap and intend to use it again. Pour in as much milk as you like. Stir and enjoy.

All the spices will sink to the bottom, so when you get to the end of your mug there will be a sludge that you should not drink. Trust me on this. If you saved that teabag from before, though, you can make another cup with your used teabag and used spices. Enjoy, Scrooge MacCheap!

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